Saturday, October 17, 2015


Yogyakarta is one of the largest city in indonesia and the third largest city in the southern region of java island after bandung and malang by population. yogyakarta city is also a residence for sultan hamengkubuwana and adipati pakualaman. yogyakarta has many of interesting tourism attraction to visit for example are keraton yogyakarta, taman sari, candi prambanan, keraton ratu boko etc.
its aslo known for cultural tourism because many of history relics such as temples who are one of tourism potential to be developed. one of the interesting tourism attraction is ijo temple.
Ijo temple is a hindu temple. its built between the periode 10  to 11 masehi the periode of mataram. its located in the ijo hill or gumuk ijo, Groyokan hamlet, Sambirejo village, prambanan subdistrict, sleman  regency. The name of  the temple was taken from  the location of the temple was built.  Ijo temple is the highest temple compared to other temples in yogyakarta region which height is 410 meters above the sea level.
acces to the temple about 28 km from Yogyakarta city or 4 km from Prambanan temple, toget there we can rent a motorcycle,taxi, and  private vehicle. the public transport only up to prambanan temple. visiting ijo temple we can  enjoy with a view of the hills from a height and also can see the planes taking off and  landing at adisucipto international  airport. you see this scenery because the seribu mountains where ijo temple is located is the border of the east part of the airport. it is because of the presence of this temple that adisutjipto airport cannot be lengthened eastward.

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